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renovated bathroom

Avoid Bathroom Renovation Pitfalls With These Tips

Bathrooms are highly functional spaces commonly used multiple times a day; as such, many property owners choose to renovate them before focusing on other spaces. When you consider that prospective home buyers often base their decisions on the condition of the kitchen and bathrooms, it makes sense to focus on the success of these renovation projects. This means you should avoid the following mistakes:

Lack of Planning

Whether you want to remodel partially or in full, you must have a vision for the entire space. Let’s say you want to replace a bathtub with a walk-in shower stall; in this case, you want to think about how this improvement will impact the rest of the space. How will a new stall look with the rest of the bathroom? Will it occupy more space than the tub? What kind of fixtures will you install? Partial renovation projects require the same detail of planning as full remodeling; if you don’t outline your vision, scope, and budget, the lack of planning could result in costly changes.

Choosing Too Much Form Over Factor

Everyone wants a stylish bathroom that is a joy to walk into and use, but you can’t sacrifice functionality, safety, or integrity. Bathrooms are high-moisture spaces that require suitable construction and finishing materials. Not everything has to be waterproof; for example, bathroom windows can be decorated with fancy dressings as long as you have proper ventilation to prevent mold colonies and mildew growth. Other practical and functional factors to consider are storage and traffic flow, particularly for guest bathrooms that get used more often.

Cutting Corners

This is one of the most common remodeling pitfalls, and it can backfire more dramatically for many property owners. Bathroom renovations are projects that should not be rushed. Once you start cutting corners after the project begins, the potential for subpar results and costly mistakes increases exponentially. First, you have the issue of regulatory compliance; some projects will require the filing permits and scheduling of inspections to avoid fines and legal issues such as liens filed against the property title.

Using Cheap Or Impractical Materials

When you let professional contractors evaluate your vision for a bathroom remodeling project, they will determine which materials should be installed. Low-quality flooring tiles, for example, can chip or break in high-traffic areas, and you don’t want this to happen in a high-moisture space such as the bathroom. You may see a set of shiny faucets and fixtures at amazingly low prices, but how do you know they will not leak, corrode, or break prematurely? Cheap grout and cabinets made with low-quality materials can sag, warp, and deteriorate over time if they are constantly exposed to humidity.

If you have ideas about bathroom remodeling for your home or commercial space, contact SH Renovations in Norman, OK today.